运用单因子和响应面方法,以类胡萝卜素为考察对象对Rhodobacter Sphaeroides 2.4.1的培养条件光照强度、温度、接种量进行优化。结果显示:运用响应面方法优化Rhodobacter Sphaeroides 2.4.1的最适条件为光照强度2 495.85lx、培养温度32℃、接种量10.9%。验证实验结果显示响应面方法优化后的类胡萝卜素含量是17.79mg/L,与理论值17.91mg/L相差0.67%,该数值没有超出误差范围,说明运用响应面方法优化Rhodobacter Sphaeroides2.4.1培养条件有效可行。
With Cars being the examination indicator, the single factor was used to optimize culture conditions for Rhodobacter Sphaeroides 2.4.1, including temperature, the intensity of illumination and inoculation quantity. The results showed the optimal conditions were as followed: temperature 30℃, the intensity of illumination 25001x and inoculation quantity 10%. On the basis of the research by the single factor method, the culture conditions for Rhodobacter Sphaeroides 2.4.1 were further optimized by SAM. It was shown that the opti- mal culture conditions included temperature 32 ℃, the intensity of illumination 2495. 851x and inoculation quantity 10.9%. A verification experiment was then conducted with Cars being the examination indicator. The Cars content was 17. 79mg/L after being optimized by SAM, which was 0. 67 percent less than the theoretical value, 17.91. The value didn't go beyond error range, which demonstrates that it was effective and feasible to optimize the culture conditions for Rhodobacter Sphaeroides 2.4.1 with SAM.
Food and Machinery