
创设有效的学习空间——变异理论视野下的课堂教学 被引量:24

Creating Effective Space of Learning:Classroom Teaching from the Perspective of Variation Theory
摘要 "什么是好的教学",始终是教育最基本的论题之一。20世纪70年代创立于瑞典的变异理论,对这一论题有其独到和深刻的分析。变异理论经历了从研究学习一般本质、到分析课堂教学、再到改善教学的不断拓展和深入的过程,在理论分析与实践探索的相互推动中,其作为学习理论的体系正在逐渐形成和完善。其关于学习本质和教学规律的探索和阐释,对于我国当前教育教学实践有着重要的借鉴和指导价值。 "What is good teaching?" is always one of basic topics in education. The variation theory, established by Ference Marton and his colleagues in 1970s in Sweden, provides unique and deep analysis on this topic. The development of variation theory underwent a deepening process from exploring the general nature of learning to analyzing classroom teaching and then to improving teaching. In the mutual promo- tion of theoretical analysis and practical exploration, variation theory as a learning theory gradually be- comes systematized. The exploration and illustration of learning nature and teaching laws in the theory can provide important reference and guiding values for our educational practices in China. This article tries to summarize and review the basic learning and teaching views in the depiction of variation theory based on teaching examples.
作者 陈红兵
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期52-60,共9页 Journal of Educational Studies
基金 北京师范大学课程与教学研究院与北京市海淀区教育科学研究所合作研究项目"变异教学理论的课堂实践研究"的成果之一 北京师范大学985工程资助
关键词 变异理论 学习空间 课堂教学 variation theory space of learning classroom teaching
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