
中国反倾销路径与特征——兼与其他“金砖国家”比较 被引量:3

Path and Characteristics of China's Anti-dumping Filing——Compared with Other BRICs Nations
摘要 中国在遭遇全球最多的反倾销诉讼的同时,也积极发起反倾销。"金砖国家"作为新兴经济体的代表,在反倾销上的姿态相当积极,尤其是印度和南非。中国反倾销路径与特征和"金砖国家"存在一定共性,但也有明显差异。利用经验数据分析,中国对于国内产业安全和市场稳定的考虑是其首要因素,对于主要贸易伙伴发起的反倾销占主体。其余"金砖国家"则更多集中于发展中经济体,"金砖国家"内部反倾销密度和强度明显强于中国。中国同其他"金砖国家"在反倾销上同样存在贸易报复的意图。 China filed anti-dumping (AD) actively while encountered the most AD filing in the globe. BRICs, as the symbols of newly emerged markets, take a rather active attitude in AD filing, cap. India and South Africa. China shows some common path and characteristics with other BRICs in addition to some distinctions. Using the empirical data, the paper believes that the consideration of domestic industrial security and market steady is the utmost reason in AD filing. The more China traded with, the more China filed AD to. Other BRICs filed more AD to developing economies, esp. the inner AD intensity of BRICs is even higher than that of China. All of BR1Cs are likely to revenge while they are considering the targets of AD filing.
作者 梁俊伟
出处 《当代经济管理》 2013年第10期43-50,共8页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 教育部人文与社会科学基金青年项目<新贸易保护主义对我国外贸影响及对策研究>(11YJCGJW012)
关键词 系统动力学 产业结构安全 评价体系 anti-dumping BRICs AD intensity trade revenge
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