
客户导向、新产品上市速度与企业绩效的关系研究 被引量:19

The Relationship between Customer Orientation,Timeto-Market of New Product and Firm Performance
摘要 本文在文献研究基础上,探讨客户导向对企业绩效的影响作用,以及新产品上市速度的中介效应,以明晰客户导向影响企业绩效的作用机理。本文利用176家中国制造企业的调研数据,本文采用结构方程模型和中介效应检验方法对研究假设进行实证检验。实证分析结果表明,客户导向的三个维度(客户关注、客户参与以及与客户的沟通)均对新产品上市速度有显著的正向影响;新产品上市速度对企业绩效有显著的提升作用;新产品上市速度对客户参与、客户沟通和企业绩效之间的关系具有完全中介效应,对客户关注和企业绩效之间的关系具有部分中介效应。 In order to extend the research of customer orientation and new product development, this study proposes and analyzes the relationship of customer orientation, time-to-market of new product and firm performance. Based on literature review, this research di- vides customer orientation into three dimensions, which are customer focus, customer involvement and communication with customers, and provides the analysis of associations between various aspects of customer orientation and firm performance, as well as the mediating effect of time-to-market of new product. The data are collected from 176 Chinese manufacturing firms. The research concept model is tested by structural equation model and mediating testing method. The results of the study indicate that (1) the three dimensions of cus- tomer orientation, which are customer focus, customer involvement and communication with customers, all have significantly positive effects on the speed-to-market of new product, which means that all three dimensions of customer orientation can shorten the time-to- market of new product; (2) customer focus, customer involvement and communication with customers have significantly positive effects on the firm performance, which indicate that the three dimensions of customer orientation can improve firm performance directly; (3) Time-to-market of new product has significant effects on firm perfor- mance. (4) Time-to-market of new product has completely mediating effect on the relationship between customer involvement and firm performance, as well as the relationship between communications with customers and firm performance. In addition, time-to-market of new product plays partial mediating effect on the relationship be- tween customer focus and firm performance. These results indicate that customer orientation impacts firm performance mainly through time-to-market of new product. The findings of this research will pro- vide us a better understanding of the relationship between different dimensions of customer orientation and firm performance. We dis- cuss the implications of the findings for a theory of firm performance improvement and time-to-market reduction through customer orien- tation, for future research and for managerial practices.
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期90-99,共10页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAH08F06)资助
关键词 客户导向 新产品上市速度 企业绩效 中介效应 Customer Orientation Time-to-Market of New Prod-uct Firm Performance Mediating Effect
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