提出电气火灾防控策略,强调检验对电气防火的重要性。依据GB 16895.23-2012/IEC60364-6:2006《低压电气装置第6部分:检验》和相关标准要求,讨论检验内容与方法,对检验中一些易被忽视的和存在错误认识的问题,予以重申和澄清。
prevention-control This thesis presents electrical fire of verification to strategy ; emphasizes verification contents electrical fireproofing ; 16895.23 - 2012 / IEC Electrical Installations and methods 60364 - 6 : relevant standards and clarifies the issues that misunderstood during ve impoance based discusses on GB 2006 Low- voltage --Part 6: Verifwation and requirements ; reiterates and can easily be neglected and rification.
Building Electricity