Research purposes: Compared with the engineering practice of the Tonghua - Guanshui section of the northeast railway corridor, the systematic analysis is made for the talus distribution, the engineering geological characteristics and the formation causes for talus. The study is clone on the alignment and comprehensive survey methods for the railway in talus area. The alignment and survey methods and study ideas on the railway crossing unfavorable geological area presented in this paper can provide the reference to the similar works. Research condusions: ( 1 ) When the railway is built in the big unfavorable geological area which has the large impacts on alignment and engineering investment, it can not be simple to keep the railway away from the talus area, but the decision should be made after geological investigation and comprehensive comparison of the technical and economic sectors for the alignment. If necessary, a special study shall be done on the complicated and special geological problems. (2) Talus is a kind of special unfavorable geological phenomena. For alignment in talus area, the talus distribution range, formation causes and engineering characteristics should be studied by conducting the regional geological investigation and mapping with the integrated survey methods. Based on the above principles and on consideration of the alignment design standards, function orientation and refining the partial scheme in technology and economics, the final alignment plan and engineering measures are determined. (3) The general alignment and survey methods for the railway crossing talus area stated in this paper can be used for the survey and design of transport infrastructure.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society
talus area