

Public Library:The Partners of Government Information Disclosure
摘要 《政府信息公开条例》的实施以及现代化信息技术的发展使公共图书馆成为向公众提供政府信息、技术设备支持以及培养信息素养的重要媒介,同时也成了政府信息服务、电子政务发展的后备力量。在政府信息服务过程中,公共图书馆应该在政府信息的托存与传递、组织与整合、教育与培训以及公共危机信息等各领域搭建起政府与民众之间的桥梁,为提高我国行政透明度和保障公民权利做出最大贡献。 The implementation of The Decree of Government Information Disclosure"and the development of modern information technology make the public libraries become the most important mediums for providing the government information to the public, technical e- quipment and information literacy trainings; meanwhile, become the government reserve forces in the information services and the development of e-government. In the process of the government information services, the public libraries should build a bridge between the government and the people in the fields of government information deposit and deliver, organization and integration, education and trainings, also public crisis and others and try their best to improve the administrative transparency and protect the rights of citizens.
作者 陈盈
机构地区 重庆图书馆
出处 《新世纪图书馆》 CSSCI 2013年第10期33-35,共3页 New Century Library
关键词 公共图书馆 政府信息公开 政府信息服务 合作伙伴 Public library Government information disclosure Government information service Partner
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