研究了杂多酸阴离子α- P2 W1 7O1 0 -61 修饰电极的制备及其化学性质。α- P2 W1 7O1 0 -61 修饰电极对 Br O-3 具有催化作用。催化电流 ΔIp 与 [Br O-3 ]在 7.0× 1 0 -6~ 1 .0× 1 0 -4mol/ L范围内呈良好线性关系。用此电极测定了天然水中 Br O-3 的含量 。
The preparation of α P 2W 17 O 10- 61 film modified electrode is described. Different electrolyte pH or medium solution and scanning potential range have strong influence on the characteristic of the electrode. The electrode has a catalytic effect on the reduction of bromate. The catalytic current and concentration of bromate show a good linearity in the range of 7.0×10 -4 ~1.0×10 -6 mol/L. The electrode had been applied to the determination of bromate.
Journal of Analytical Science