目的:观察应用滋生青阳汤加减方治疗阴虚阳亢型围绝经期高血压患者血压变异性、降压疗效以及中医证候评分的变化。方法:将68例阴虚阳亢型围绝经期高血压病患者随机分成治疗组和对照组,分别于治疗前后进行24 h动态血压监测(ABPM)、中医证候评分,分析2组患者治疗前后的血压变异性、降压疗效和临床证候变化情况。结果:两组治疗前后24 h平均血压、BPV(血压变异性)、降压疗效比较均存在显著性差异(P<0.05),但治疗组(草药加氯沙坦钾)BPV明显优于对照组(P<0.05);中医证候评分显示治疗组在治疗前后有显著性差异(P<0.05);而对照组(氯沙坦钾)无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:滋生青阳汤加减方可以有效地干预阴虚阳亢型围绝经期高血压病患者的血压变异性,明显改善临床证候。
Objective :To observe the effect of Zisheng Qingyang Decoction on blood pressure variability, blood pres- sure reduction of predominant yang due to yin deficiency syndrome of perimenopausal hypertension patient in menopause and obtain the scores of TCM symptom. Method:68 predominant yang due to yin deficiency syndrome of hypertension pa- tients were divided into two groups in random manner. The ABPM and TCM symptoms were employed before and after the treatment, by analyzing the data of blood pressure variability, blood pressure reduction and clinical syndrome change. Re- sult : The result was obtained that there was significance difference ( P 〈 0.05 ) in BVP and effect on blood pressure reduc- tion for two groups and the treatment group had obvious more effect ( P 〈 0.05 ) than the control group. The score of clini- cal syndrome in the treatment group had significance difference (P 〈 0.05 ) , however the control group did not have ( P 〉 0. 05 ). Conclusion:Zisheng Qingyang Decoction has an obvious effect on blood pressure variability and clinical syn- drome improvement and average 24 h blood pressure as well.
Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
perimenopausal hypertension
predominant yang due to yin deficiency
Zisheng Qingyang decoction
blood pressure variability
clinical observation