可燃粉料在机械振动筛中的振动往往会导致粉尘爆炸事故的发生 .其引燃源除了机械振动产生的摩擦、冲击、热表面等因素以外 ,静电放电火花是一个重要原因 .本文对金属类粉体如镁粉、粮食类粉体如麦芽粉在工业规模的机械振动筛筛分时产生的静电带电量进行了试验测试 .结果表明 :无论是导电的金属粉体还是非导电的粮食粉体所产生的静电业已超出《静电安全导则》的界限 .对于引燃能量较低、爆炸猛烈度较大的粉体 。
The vibration process can generate dust explosions in sieves. Besides fraition,impaction and hot surfaces from vibration, static electricity discharging can be a very important ignition source.Test research on static electricity generation has been carried out for metal magnums powder and grain powder malt in this paper. The result shows that the accumulated static electricity, for conductive metal powder or nonconductive grain powder, has exceeded the limitation defined in the Guide for Static Electricity Safety,and it is necessary to have the adequate protection measures.
Gold Journal