
从科尔伯格到后科尔伯格:社会认知领域理论对特殊教育的德育启示 被引量:10

From Kohlberg to Post-Kohlberg: the Social-Cognitive Domain Theory's Moral Enlightenment on Special Education
摘要 社会认知领域理论是继科尔伯格之后在道德认知发展心理学中出现的心理学思潮,是科尔伯格的开门弟子艾略特·特里尔提出的。他主张对社会文化中的各种规则进行领域的区分。道德领域的事件是指与身体伤害、心理伤害、福利、信任、权利、公平或正义等有关的行为,习俗领域的事件与社会约定俗成的一致性或规则有关,个人领域的事件与个人的偏好或选择有关,安全领域或谨慎行为领域的事件主要与自我、安全、健康和舒适感等可能会对个人造成威胁的非社会性危害有关。领域理论对当代中国特殊教育具有重要的德育启示。 The Social-Cognitive Domain Theory, a concept arising after Kohlberg in the psychology of moral cognition development, was proposed by Elliot Turiel, the first disciple of Kohlberg. Elliot advocated that a vari- ety of hales in social and cuhm'al fields should be categorized into different domains. According to him and his followers, the events in the moral domain refer to behavior involving bodily and mental harm, welfare, belief, rights, fairness or justice, the events in the conventional domain have something to do with social consistency and regularities, the events in the personal domain are connected with one' s preferences and choices, and the events in the domain of prudential behavior have relationship with non-social harm threatening one's safety, health and comfort. The domain theory provides important moral enlightenment for special education in China.
作者 杨韶刚
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期17-21,59,共6页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 领域理论 道德领域 习俗领域 个人领域 特殊教育 domain theory moral domain conventional domain personal domain special education
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