
国外学前儿童入学准备:危险因素与保护因素 被引量:4

Preschool Children's School Readiness:Risk and Protective Factors
摘要 以1992~2012年间发表的47篇英文文献为研究对象,使用半量化分析方法,全面分析影响学前儿童入学准备的危险因素和保护因素.结果发现:(1)在人口学与生物学变量中,年龄、种族(白人)是学前儿童入学准备的保护因素,出生体重过高/低是学前儿童入学准备的危险因素.(2)在儿童认知、情绪和行为变量中,执行功能、抑制控制、注意控制、早期计算和言语技能是保护因素,冲动性是危险因素.(3)在家庭环境变量中,高社会经济地位、高母亲受教育水平、父母职业、权威型教养方式、母亲敏感性、亲子互动、父母卷入、良好的家庭学习环境、适度的父母指导是保护因素;专制型教养方式、母亲育儿压力是危险因素.(4)在幼儿园变量中,儿童课堂参与、师幼互动、同伴互动是保护因素;课堂过于安静或活跃是危险因素.(5)社区环境变量中,高收入与高就业率、安全性高的社区和正规学前看护中心是保护因素. This paper, based on 47 English-language articles published between 1992 and 2012, aims to ex- plore the risk and protective factors that have an effect on preschool children's school readiness. The results show the following: (1) in the demographic and biological variables, age and ethnicity (whites and non-immigrants) are protective factors of preschool children, and high/low birth weight is a risk factor; (2) in the cognitive, emo- tional, and behavioral variables, executive functions, inhibitory control, attention control, early calculation and language skills are protective factors, and impulsivity is a risk factor; (3) in family-based variables, high eco- nomic status, a high level of the mother's educational background, the parents' jobs, the authoritative parenting style, the mother's sensitivity, the parent-child interaction, the parents' involvement, a good family environment of learning, and proper guidance from the parents are protective factors; the authoritarian parenting style and the mother's parenting stress are risk factors; (4) in the kindergarten-based variables, class participation, the teach- er-ehild interaction, and peer interaction are protective factors, and underaetive/overactive behavior is a risk fac- tor; and (5) in the community-based variables, high income, high employment rate, a high level of safety, and a formal preschool care center are protective factors.
作者 李晓巍 刘艳
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期65-71,共7页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"学前儿童入学准备的保护性与危险性因素评估"(12YJC880044)资助
关键词 入学准备 学前儿童 危险因素 保护因素 school readiness preschool children risk factor protective factor
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