
日本柳杉花粉变应原致敏蛋白组分 被引量:1

Allergens of Japanese Cedar( Cryptomeria japonica) Pollen
摘要 日本柳杉花粉变应原致敏蛋白组分目前已分离纯化并鉴定的有Cry j 1、Cry j 2、Cry j 3、CJP-6、CJP-4、CJP-8及CPA9等,其中某些致敏蛋白组分还具有多种异构体,因此日本柳杉花粉变应原的成分构成十分复杂。Cry j 1和Cry j 2是目前公认的日本柳杉花粉的主要致敏蛋白组分,二者均为糖蛋白,分子结构中均包含B细胞表位和T细胞表位,也与柏科其他植物花粉致敏蛋白组分具有很高的交叉反应性。其中Cry j 1具有果胶裂解酶活性,Cry j 2则有聚甲基半乳糖醛酸酶活性。后续发现的日本柳杉致敏蛋白组分Cry j 3、CJP-6、CJP-4、CJP-8及CPA9等也均有与花粉症患者血清IgE有较高的结合能力,这些蛋白质特点各异,但都具有与其他植物来源变应原的交叉反应性。 The allergenic components of Japanese cedar ( Cryptomeria japonica ) pollen, which had been isolated, purified and identified, are Cry j 1,2, 3, CJP-6, CJP4, CJP-8 and CPA9. Some of them even have many kinds of isomers. So the allergenic components composition of Japanese cedar pollen is very complicated. Cry j 1 and Cry j 2 are generally recognized major allergens of Japanese cedar pollen. Both of them are glycoprotein. There is both B cell epitopes and T cell epitopes in their molecular structures. They are also highly cross reactivity with allergenic components of other kinds of CUPRESSACEAE plants pollens. However, Cry j 1 show pectate lyase activity, while Cry j 2 show polygalacturonase activity. The later identified allergenic components, such as Cry j 3, CJP-6, CJP-4, CJP-8 and CPA9, also show high binding abilities with serum specific IgE of pollinosis patients. These proteins differ in properties, but they are all cross reactivity with other allergenic components of plant originated.
出处 《中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志》 2013年第3期301-306,共6页 Chinese Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology
关键词 日本柳杉花粉 致敏蛋白组分 分离 鉴定 交叉反应 Japanese cedar pollen allergens isolation identification cross reactivity
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