
社区问答系统中潜在回答者排序算法(英文) 被引量:4

Ranking Potential Reply-Providers in Community Question Answering System
摘要 Community Question Answering(CQA) websites have greatly facilitated users' lives, with an increasing number of people seeking help and exchanging ideas on the Internet. This newly-emerged community features two characteristics: social relations and an ask-reply mechanism. As users' behaviours and social statuses play a more important role in CQA services than traditional answer retrieving websites, researchers' concerns have shifted from the need to passively find existing answers to actively seeking potential reply providers that may give answers in the near future. We analyse datasets derived from an online CQA system named "Quora", and observed that compared with traditional question answering services, users tend to contribute replies rather than questions for help in the CQA system. Inspired by the findings, we seek ways to evaluate the users' ability to offer prompt and reliable help, taking into account activity, authority and social reputation characteristics. We propose a hybrid method that is based on a Question-User network and social network using optimised PageRank algorithm.Experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed method for ranking potential answer-providers. Community Question Answering (CQA) websites have greatly facilitated users' lives, with an increasing number of people seeking help and exchanging ideas on the Internet. This newlymerged community features two characteristics: social relations and an ask-reply mechanism. As users' behaviours and social statuses play a more important role in CQA services than traditional answer retrieving websites, researchers' concerns have shifted from the need to passively find existing answers to actively seeking potential reply providers that may give answers in the near future. We analyse datasets derived from an online CQA system named "Quora", and observed that compared with traditional question answering services, users tend to contribute replies rather than questions for help in the CQA system. Inspired by the findings, we seek ways to evaluate the users' ability to offer prompt and reliable help, taking into account activity, authority and social reputation char- acteristics. We propose a hybrid method that is based on a Question-User network and social network using optimised PageRank algorithm. Experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed method for ranking potential answer-providers.
出处 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第10期125-136,共12页 中国通信(英文版)
基金 supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.61271041 the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) under Grant No.2009CB320504 the iCore Integrated Project under Grant No.287708 the National Scienceand Technology Major Project under Grants No.2012ZX03005008-001,No.2012ZX03002008
关键词 答疑系统 供应商 社区 PAGERANK算法 社会关系 回复 应答机制 研究人员 CQA user behaviour analysis question-user network social network PageRank activity estimation authority estimation
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