
所有权保留制度的比较法研究——我国立法、司法解释和学理上的所有权保留评述 被引量:31

Reserving System of Ownership in the Perspective of the Comparative Law——Reviewed the Reservation of Ownership in Legislation and Theoretical Jurisprudence and Judicial Explanation
摘要 虽然我国的《合同法》及最高法院的司法解释对所有权保留制度有明确的规定和解释,但该制度在我国目前的法律体系框架内,仍然存在很多问题需要研究。首先,所有权保留在我国应有那些种类,应当明确;其次,所有权保留制度是债法上的问题,还是物权法上的问题?对此,应认为是物权行为与债权行为分离的表现;再次,所有权保留适用对象为动产的原因,是因为不动产物权变动实行登记生效模式,而如果采用登记对抗模式,则也应适用于不动产;第四,所有权保留与解除合同的关系,即如果买受人不履行支付价款等约定条件,是否也构成根本违约,出卖人可以解除合同而取回标的物?答案应是肯定的。根据司法解释,如果买受人已经支付标的物总价款的百分之七十五以上时,出卖人主张取回标的物的权利就要受到限制。这与对所有权保留的性质认识有关,即所有权保留是所有权问题而不是担保问题。因此,这种限制在破产法上应该取消或者采取另外的保护出卖人的特别措施。 Although there have been specific rules and explanations about ownership reservation in our Contract Law and judicial explanations issued by the supreme court of the People's Republic of China, the ownership reservation jurisprudence still have plenty of problems to be researched in our present law system. Firstly, it is essential to definite the species of the ownership res ervation. Secondly, it is significant to definite thatweather the "ownership reservation jurisprudence" is a problem in obligation law or in real right law? My opinion is that it is the consequence of districting the juristic act of real right and the obligatory act of real right. Thirdly, because of the modality of registration effectiveness in real estate alteration, the object of ownership reserva tion is movable estate. If the modality of registration antagonism applies to real estate alteration, real estate will be the object of ownership reservation. At last, what is the relation between ownership reservation and termination a contract? That is, is it a fun damental breach of contract if the buyers nonperforming it ( e. g. payment of the price) so that the seller can cancel the contract and can recover possession of the subject matter? The answer will be yes. According to a judicial explanation issued by China Supreme People Court, if the buyer have paid 75% above the total cost, there will be a restriction in the recover possession of the subject matter by the seller. It is related to the recognition of the nature of the ownership reservation. In my opinion, owner ship reservation is a problem about ownership rather than a problem of guarantee, so that, the restriction should be canceled in Bankruptcy Law or be substituted by other special measures.
作者 李永军
出处 《法学论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期11-21,共11页 Legal Forum
关键词 所有权保留 物权行为 债权行为 登记对抗 取回权 ownership reservation juristic act of real right obligatory act of real right registration effectiveness recover posses-sion
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