以溶质计量置换保留模型 (SDM R)为依据 ,通过研究 3种正链醇同系物溶剂置换剂对 14种正链醇同系物溶质色谱保留行为的影响 ,发现计量置换参数Z(对应 1mol溶质被吸附时从溶质与固定相接触处释放出的溶剂的总摩尔数 )、lgI(与 1mol溶质对固定相亲和势有关的常数 )和 j(与 1mol溶剂对固定相亲和势有关的常数 )均随着同系物置换剂相对分子质量的增大而减小 ,并呈现出线性变化 ,表明溶剂强度与溶剂分子的大小有关 ,分子愈大 ,溶剂洗脱能力愈强 ,并遵循同系物规律。此外 ,还得出了 j作为溶剂强度参数最为可靠及准确的结论 ,从一个新的角度揭示了液相色谱中同系物规律。与Snyder经验公式中对应的 3个参数比较 ,发现那
Based on the physical meanings of Z (total moles of the released solvent at the contact region between solute and stationary phase), and j (the slope of the linear plot of lg I versus Z , a constant relating to the affinity of organic solvent to the stationary phase) of stoichiometric displacement model for retention (SDM R) of solute in liquid chromatography(LC), both Z and j could be employed to characterize solvents, therefore, Z value only can be used as a characterization parameter for fixed solute and stationary phase However, the parameter j is independent of solutes As long as phase is given, j can be employed as a new characterization parameter of organic solvent strength in LC With the homologues of methanol, ethanol and n propanol as organic solvents in mobile phase and n alkylalcohols as solutes, both the SDM R and Snyder's empirical equation were tested, and compared with the corresponding parameters obtained from Snyder's empirical equation With S [the slope of the linear plot of lg k′ ( k′ is capacity factor) vs φ (volume fraction of organic solvent in mobile phase )] and lg k w 0 (the intercept of this plot), it was found that the two linear plots with the SDM R, lg k′ vs the composition of mobile phase and lg I vs Z were better than the corresponding plots with Snyder's empirical equation \;The results indicate that Z , lg I and j decrease with the increase in the molecular size of the organic solvent of the homologue This fact indicates that the solvent strength in LC depends on the size of solvent molecules And the greater the solvent molecules, the stronger the solvent strength is Furthermore the solvent strength was found to follow homologous rule The j value may become a new parameter for the characterization of organic solvent strength in LC
Chinese Journal of Chromatography
国家自然科学基金资助项目! (2 96 70 17
39880 0 0 3)
reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography
stoichiometric displacement model for retention
retention mechanism