

Problems of Financing of SMEs in China
摘要 我国中小企业的发展对国民经济、国家建设和扩大就业市场等方面都发挥了重要作用.但是,目前我国中小企业却面临着融资难的困境.尤其是在金融危机和欧债危机之后,中小企业融资难的问题更加突出.我国中小企业融资难的原因主要包含中小企业自身业绩不稳定、经营理念不完善,银行信贷交易成本、信贷风险较高,现行贷款担保和抵押机制的缺陷等.为了解决我国中小企业融资难的问题,企业、银行、政府三方的力量必须集结起来,以促进我国中小企业融资的良性循环. The development of SMEs has played an important role to the national economs; national colistruction and expansion of the job market, etc. However, China's small and medium enterprises are facing difficulties ia financing difficulties. Especially in the financial crisis and the European debt crisis, the problem of SMEs financing becomes more prominent. Financing difficulties of SMEs in China mainly due to their unstable performance including SMEs, business philosophy is imperfect, bank credit transaction costs, credit risk is higher, the existing loan guarantees and collateral machanisms of defects. In order to solve the problems of financing of SMEs, businesses, banks, government niust build up the strength of three in order to promote a virtuous cycle of SME financing.
作者 王倩
出处 《科教导刊》 2013年第30期39-40,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 中小型企业 融资 融资困境 SMEs financing financing difficulties
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