从制度上的几个层面来探讨日本银行业的经营效率不彰与巨额呆帐问题 ,论述了日本政府的金融改革及银行的合并 ,并就日本兴业银行、富士银行与第一劝业银行的合并案作以说明 。
WT5”BZ]The article probes into the problems of the poor business efficiency and the bad debts in huge sum of the Japanese banking from the different levels of the system.It discusses the financial reform of the Japanese government and the bank mergence.It also gives account of the mergence case of sociere Generale,Fuji BanK and First Hypothec Bank.Finally it briefly analyzes the issue and the influence after the incorporation of the Japanese banking. [WT5”HZ]
Journal of Changchun University