含氮 CZ硅的电学性能完全有别于含氮的 FZ硅和无氮的 CZ硅 .研究表明 ,含氮 CZ硅能形成一种与氮有关的新施主 ,它随氮氧复合物的形成而形成 ,随氮氧复合物的消失而消失 .文章进一步研究了氮 -新施主的形成和消除与热处理条件的关系 。
The electronic characteristic of nitrogen\|doped CZ silicon is completely different from that of nitrogen\|doped FZ silicon and nitrogen\|undoped CZ silicon . Our research shows that nitrogen\|doped CZ silicon can generate a kind of nitrogen related new donor which forms and disappears with the formation and disappearance of nitrogen\|oxygen complexes respectively. This paper studies further the relationship between the formation and disappearance of nitrogen\|new donor and heat treatment condition, and the experimental results are discussed.