
乒乓球运动员对发球知觉判断的启动效应研究 被引量:4

Priming Effect during Table Tennis Players' Perceptual Judgment for Service Types
摘要 采用"刺激-识别"和"提示-靶"范式,研究乒乓球运动员和专项大学生依据拍型、乒乓球触拍部位和球拍的相对运动3个特征构成的3D效果的客体,进行发球旋转方式知觉判断的认知心理机制。结果发现:运动员对3D效果的运动信息结构模式加工速度要快于专项大学生,准确性高于大学生;启动效应对运动员有明显的作用,而对专项大学生作用不明显。 By "stimulusrecognition" and "cuetarget" paradigm, processing mechanism of skilled table tennis players and lessskilled college students were compared when they were viewing 3D pictures including ball, bat, movement tendency. Underpinning these, participants attempted to recognize ser vice types. The results showed that the skilled table tennis players" responses were significantly faster than college students, accurate rate were also signifi cantly higher; priming effect were very apparent for table tennis players, whereas for lessskilled college students priming effect almost didn't occur.
出处 《天津体育学院学报》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期310-314,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
基金 上海体育学院研究生创新培育基金项目(项目编号:yjscx2012009)
关键词 乒乓球运动员 发球 知觉判断 启动效应 table tennis player service types perceptual judgment priming effect
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