
2012年盘锦市部分大学生艾滋病防治知识及健康教育需求调查 被引量:14

Survey on Knowledge of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control and Demands for AIDS Health Education Among Some College Students,Panjin City,2012
摘要 目的了解大学生对艾滋病相关知识知晓情况和对艾滋病健康教育的需求,为开展有针对性的大学生艾滋病健康教育提供依据。方法 2012年6月,选择盘锦市职业技术学院的三个年级的368名学生进行问卷调查。结果调查366人,艾滋病相关知识知晓率为35.52%,其中男生为37.61%,女生为32.14%(P>0.05);一年级学生为21.77%,二年级学生为50.42%,三年级学生为34.96%(P<0.01);理科学生为29.55%,文科学生为100.00%(P<0.01)。55.46%的学生参加了艾滋病防治相关的活动,75.96%的学生认为学校很有必要开展艾滋病防治活动或设置课程,愿意选择获得艾滋病防治相关手册、海报作为健康教育类型的分别占39.89%和34.70%。结论学生对艾滋病相关知识掌握水平总体较低。 Objective To know undergraduates' knowledge of AIDS and needs for AIDS health education, so as to provide basis for undergraduates' AIDS health education. Methods In June,2012,366 students recruited in PanjinVoca- tional Technology Inslitute filled in questionnaire by themselves. Results There were 366 undergraduates surveyed. The level of knowledge relaled to AIDS was 35.52%. The malc undergraduates' level was 37.61 %, the female was 32. 14 %; freshmen's level was 21.77%,sophomores' level was 50.42% ,juniors' level was 34.96%;the science undergraduates' level was 29.55 %,%, the art undergraduates' level was 100.00 %. 55.46 % undergraduates took part in aclivities of AIDS prevention or hcahh educalion in the institutc;75.96% undergraduates thought it was necessary to provide activhies of AIDS prevenlion or sol health education in the institute. 39.89% undergraduates preferred to getting HIV/AIDS health hand hook, and 31.70% undergraduates wanted to get HIV/AIDS health posters as health education forms. Conclusion The knowledge level o% undergraduateg AIDS prevention is low.
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2013年第10期744-746,共3页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
关键词 艾滋病 知识 健康教育 需求 AIDS Knowledge Health education Need
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