现在BIOS芯片被恶意刷写进BIOS Rootkit的可能性越来越大。本文对BIOS Rootkit的基本概念、组成模块和危害特性进行阐述,同时详细介绍BIOS Rootkit的实现技术,并建议尽快建立相应的安全标准,以避免或减少BIOS Rootkit的攻击。
Nowadays, BIOS chips being brushed into BIOS Rootkit maliciously is increasingly likely. In this paper, the basic concepts, building blocks and the hazardous properties of the BIOS Rootkit are expounded and the realization of BIOS Rootkit technology is described in detail, at the same time, establishing appropriate safety standards as soon as possible is recommended to avoid or minimize the BIOS Rootkit attack.
Computer and Modernization