

Study on the Nutrient Concentration Dynamic Change and Correlation of 3 Ground Cover Plants under Different Planting Modes
摘要 选取生长状况良好的吉祥草、白三叶和鸢尾3种多年生草本等作为试验对象,根据林缘、林下等不同栽植类型,设置林缘鸢尾、林缘吉祥草、林缘白三叶、林下吉祥草、林下白三叶共5种模式。从2008年9月到2009年9月,分5次采样,并测定植物体K、Ca、Mg养分浓度。结果表明:(1)不同栽植类型下3种地被植物N、P、K、Ca、Mg平均养分浓度分别为22.81mg·g-1、2.98mg·g-1、31.40mg·g-1、51.41mg·g-1、9.69mg·g-1;(2)不同栽植类型下P与Ca、Ca与Mg养分浓度均表现出显著相关。 Well-growing perennial plants of Reineckia cornea, Trifolium repens and Iris tectorum were selected as the experiment objects. 5 planting modes were designed including Iris tectorum, Reineckia carnea and Trifolium repens planted at the forestmargin, Reineckia carnea and Trifolium repens planted under forest. 5 samplings of plants were made from September 2008 to September 2009 and the nutrient concentrations of K, Ca, Mg in the plants were determined. The results were as following:. 1. The mean nutrient concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg in the 3 ground cover plants were 22.81mg·g-1,2.98mg·g-1, 31.40mg·g-1, 51.41 mg·g-1 and 9.69 mg·g-1 respectively; 2. Under different planting modes, the concentration of P showed significant correlation with that of Ca, and the concentration of Ca showed significant correlation with that of Mg.
出处 《安徽林业科技》 2013年第4期25-28,共4页 Anhui Forestry Science and Technology
基金 国家"十一五"林业科技支撑项目(2006BAD03A16)资助
关键词 地被植物 养分浓度 栽培模式 相关性分析 Ground cover plants Nutrient concentration Planting modes Correlation analysis
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