
个人感知、创新扩散与消费者参与网络团购行为的关系研究 被引量:9

Personal Perception,Innovation Diffusion and Consumer Participating in Online Group-buying Behaviour
摘要 本文对创新扩散理论(IDT)和技术接受模型(TAM2)进行拓展,分别引入扩散过程中的传播渠道和时间变量、感知风险与感知价格变量,并将两个模型进行整合,构建消费者参与网络团购行为影响因素的概念模型,进行实证研究。研究结果表明:影响消费者参与网络团购意愿的因素可以归纳为个人感知因素与创新扩散因素两大类。网络团购的传播渠道(大众传媒和人际关系)、时间(成交订单数)相容性、感知有用性对消费者参与网络团购的意愿有显著的正向影响;感知风险与感知价格对消费者参与网络团购的意愿有显著的负向影响;感知易用性对消费者的参与意愿无显著的影响。其中,相容性对消费者参与网络团购意愿的影响最大,感知有用性和人际关系传播的影响次之。 The paper integrates the Technology Acceptance Model -2 (TAM2), and Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) into one model to built the concept model of influence factors of consumer participating in online group - buying behavior by introducing the communication channels and the time variable, the perceived risk and perceived price varia- ble in the process of diffusion. The empirical results show the factors affecting the consumer participating in online group - buying intention are personal perception factors and the innovation diffusion factors. Online group - buying communica- tion channels (mass media and interpersonal relationships), time (the transaction orders) compatibility and perceived usefulness have significant positive effect on consumer's will to participate in the online group -buying; perceived risk and perceived price have significant negative impact on consumer's will to participate in the online group- buying; per- ceived usefulness has no significant influence on consumer's will to participate in the online group - buying. Among them, effect of compatibility on consumer's will to participate in the online group -buying is the most significant, and impact of perceived usefulness and interpersonal communication is more significant.
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期45-53,共9页 Commercial Research
基金 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目 项目编号:90924009 国家自然科学基金面上项目 项目编号:70871126
关键词 网络团购 参与意愿 影响因素 创新扩散 消费者感知因素 online group - buying participating intention influence factors innovation diffusion consumer perceivedfactor
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