法治是由观念理论形态的法治和制度形态的法治两部分构成的。其中观念理论形态的法治表现为法律学说、法律心理、法律习惯、法律思想体系及法律精神。制度形态的法治由观念理论形态法治的精神和原则所决定 ,并贯穿于整个法律及制度的各个环节的建立、程序的设定和运作之中 ,维护和促进观念形态法治的转化及实现。
Rule of law is composed of two aspects—theoretical modality and systematic modality.The theoretical modality includes theory,mentality,habits,ideology and spirits of law.The systematic modality determined by the spirits and principles of theoretical modality,which is a significant aspect in the foundation of each sector,the establishment of procedures and the enactment of law.And it also promotes the implement and transformation of rules in theoretical modality.
Journal of National Prosecutors College