This paper deals with the application of a non-axisyrmnetric hub end-wall on the stator of a single stage high subsonic axial-flow compressor. In order to obtain a state-of-the-art stator non-axisymmetric hub end-wall con- figuration fulfilling the requirements for higher efficiency and total pressure ratio, an automated multi-objective optimizer was used, in conjunction with 3D-RANS-flow simulations. For the purpose of quantifying the effect of the optimal stator non axis-symmetric hub contouring on the compressor performance and its effects on the sub- sonic axial-flow compressor stator end-wall flow field structure, the coupled flow of the compressor stage with the baseline, axisymmetric and the non-axisynunetric stator hub end-wall was simulated with a state-of-the- art multi-block flow 3D CFD solver. Based on the CFD simulations, the optimal compressor hub end-wall con- figuration is expected to increase the peak efficiency by approximately 2.04 points and a slight increase of the to- tal pressure ratio. Detailed analyses of the numerical flow visualization at the hub have uncovered the different hub flow topologies between the cases with axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric hub end-walls. It was found that that the primary performance enhancement afforded by the non-axisymmelric hub end-wall is a result of the end-wall flow structure modification. Compared to the smooth wall case, the non-axisymmetric hub end-wall can reduce the formation and development of in-passage secondary flow by aerodynamic loading redistribution.
Financial support for the work presented is provided by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Project No:51176187)