
微弱信号检测系统设计 被引量:7

Design of Weak Signal Detection System
摘要 针对压力传感器输出信号微弱并带有较大噪声干扰的情况,设计了一种基于互相关检测技术的微弱信号检测系统。系统以变压器式压力传感器为压力信号检测器件,采用单片集成函数信号发生器ICL8038产生正弦波信号,再经功率放大器TDA7294放大后,作为传感器信号的调制信号和互相关检测的解调参考信号,采用平衡调制解调芯片AD630设计锁相放大器电路,通过放大、滤波、整流得到直流信号。仿真和实验验证证明了系统对微弱信号的检测效果理想,适用于强背景噪声下对微弱信号的检测。 A weak signal detection system based on the cross-correlation detection technology is designed and implemented to solve the problem that the pressure sensor output signal is weak and usually mixes with noise and in- terference. Transformer pressure sensor is used as the pressure signal detection device. Generated by the monolithic integration function signal generator ICL8038, and amplified by the power amplifier TDA7294, the sine wave signal is used as the modulation signal of the sensor signal and the demodulated reference signal of cross-correlation detec- tion. The balanced modulator/demodulator AD630 is used to build the lock-in amplifier. After being amplified, fil- tered and rectified, a DC signal is obtained. Simulations and experiments show that the system has an ideal effect on the detection of weak signal, and is suitable for the detection of weak signals mixed with strong background noise
出处 《电子科技》 2013年第11期104-107,共4页 Electronic Science and Technology
关键词 微弱信号检测 锁相放大器 压力传感器 ICL8038 AD630 weak signal detection lock-in amplifier pressure sensor ICL$038 AD630
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