
深水型河流生物评价方法分析 被引量:1

Analysis of biological assessment method in deep-water river
摘要 文章综述了国内外深水型河流生物评价方法的研究进展。通过确定指定水生生物评估方法,推进现有的河流评价项目,为常规的流域水质的生物监测及评价项目,提供必要的技术支持。 The paper summarizes the research process of biological assessment in deep-water river at home and abroad. Determining the specify aquatic assessment methods can promote the existing river assessment projects, which could provide the technique support for the normal biological monitoring and assessment projects of basin water quality.
出处 《东北水利水电》 2013年第11期57-60,72,共4页 Water Resources & Hydropower of Northeast China
关键词 河流 生态 生物评价 river ecology biological assessment
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