对北京地区黄栌胫跳甲( Ophrida xanthospilota (Baly) )幼虫和蛹的种群动态及空间分布型进行了研究。结果表明:黄栌胫跳甲幼虫从4月中旬黄栌发芽期开始孵化,5月2日进入种群高峰期。5月17日幼虫已全部下树寻找化蛹场所;根据聚集度指标法可知,黄栌胫跳甲幼虫在黄栌树冠上的空间分布型为均匀分布;1wa0的m*-m回归模型为m*=-0.4991+0.9986m,相关系数r=0.9999,说明黄栌胫跳甲幼虫在食叶高峰期时,个体间相互排斥;Taylor幂法则回归模型为lgS2=-0.2926+0.95231gm,相关系数r=0.7694,说明黄栌胫跳甲幼虫种群密度越高,种群分布就越均匀;黄栌胫跳甲5月初开始化蛹。5月中旬为化蛹高峰期,6月下旬化蛹结束;蛹主要分布在〉3-6cm的土层和距离树基部0.5-1.0m范围内,利用黄栌胫跳甲老熟幼虫入土化蛹和蛹的空间数量分布特征.可以在蛹期进行挖蛹防治。
An experiment was conducted to study the spatial distribution pattern of the larva and pupa of Ophrida xanthospilota in Beijing. Overwintering eggs began to hatch in the middle of April when Cotinus coggygria Scop. sprout larvae' s peak is in May 2nd, and the mature larva crawls down the tree to find pupation place in May 17th. The corresponding aggregation in- dexes show that the spatial distribution pattern of the larva of O. xanthospilota in Beijing belongs to uniform distribution, m* -m regression model is m* =-0. 499 1 +0. 998 6 m with r=0. 999 9, and there is individual repulsion in larvae' s peak. Taylor regression model is lgS2 = -0. 292 6+0. 952 3 lgm with r = 0.769 4, and the more population density is, the more uniform spatial distribution is. Pupae begins in the early May and end in late June, and the pupation peak is in the middle of May. Most pupa is in 3-6 cm soil depth and 0. 5-1.0 m distance from trunk basal. Therefore, the results can be used in controlling O. xanthospilota.
Journal of Northeast Forestry University
Ophrida xanthospilota (Baly)
Spatial distribution
Uniform spatial distribution