
不同温度与营养盐条件对浒苔(Ulvaprolifera)和肠浒苔(Ulvaintestinalis)的生长影响 被引量:12

Impact of temperature and nutrients on the growth of Ulva prolifera and Ulva intestinalis
摘要 2010年4月采集了江苏省南通市如东县紫菜养殖筏架上的浒苔(Ulva prolifera)和肠浒苔(Ulva intestinalis)样品,对两种浒苔在不同温度和营养盐环境下的生长情况进行了研究,分析了其不同生长特点及对环境变化的响应。结果表明,浒苔(U. prolifera)在15℃~25℃范围内,在浓度相对较高的营养盐组相对生长率较高。肠浒苔(U. intestinalis)在温度为10℃~20℃范围内,在浓度较低的营养盐组相对生长率较高。在两种浒苔相对生长率达到最大的同时,其对于营养盐的消耗量也达到最大。据此,推测两种浒苔自身的生理生态特征及其对环境变化的响应是影响其生物量的重要因素。 Samples of Ulva prolifera and Ulva intestinalis were collected from Porphyra yezoensis culture rafts in Nantong,Jiangsu Province in April, 2010. The growth characteristics of two species under different temperature and nutrient conditions were studied. The results showed that the relative growth rate of U. prolifera was high at the temperature between 15℃~25℃and in high nutrient concentrations. In a comparison,the relative growth rate of U. intestinalis was higher at the temperature between 10℃~20℃and in lower nutrient concentrations. The nutrient consumption reached maximum when the relative growth rates of two species were at their peak. It indicated that the algae's biomass was mainly affected by their eco-physiological characteristics and adaptation to the changing environmental conditions.
出处 《海洋通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期573-579,共7页 Marine Science Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金(41106101) 中国科学院科技创新交叉与合作团队项目 中国科学院河北科学院合作项目
关键词 浒苔 肠浒苔 相对生长率 温度 营养盐 Ulvaprolifera Ulva intestinalis relative growth rate temperature nutrients
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