

Design and Implementation of the Location of SFILP for HL-2A
摘要 快离子损失探针可以对损失快离子的能量和pitch angle同时进行测定,是研究托卡马克装置等离子体约束输运行为的重要工具。针对HL-2A托卡马克装置上损失快离子能量和pitch angle测量范围的具体要求,对快离子损失探针的探头位置进行了选择,运用Lorentz orbit code对探头可能安装位置损失快离子的轨迹进行了计算。同时,还研制了对HL-2A装置上的损失快离子探针探头位置进行调节的平动转动系统。 Fast ion loss detector (FILD) is an important tool to study the confinements and transportation on to-kamak devices,since it can simultaneously measure the energy and pitch angle of lost fast ions .Considering the measurement range of energy and pitch angle on HL -2A, it used Lorentz orbit code to calculate escaping fast ion orbits to contribute to the selection of the position of the probe head for sFILD .It ensured that lost fast ions can reach the probe head in the position that we selected .In addition, it also developed a translation and rota-tion system for the probe head to realize the lost fast ion detection at random radical position with random angle .
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期940-944,1010,共6页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
基金 中国科技部ITER计划配套专项(2010GB101005)
关键词 氘离子 轨迹 HL-2A LORENTZ ORBIT CODE 托卡马克 deuterium ion trajectory HL - 2A Lorentz Orbit Code HL - 2A Tokamak
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