During Wei, Jin, South and North Dynasties, the military government, as the core of military administrative system, gradually wedged into the national administrative system and the military administrative relations erode civil affairs, even resulted in the situation that the armies replaced the citizens. The Western Jin Dynasty is a critical period in the process of this transformation. There were two important reforms on military government in Emperor Wu period of Western Jin Dynasty. One is the coordination between the governor system and the king system, the other is the abolition of soldiers of county. After conquering Wu state, Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty put emphasis of his reform on the military division, and gradually returned to the local system of Han Dynasty, namely the provincial governor was responsible for monitoring, and the county officials were in charge of civil affairs while the governor took responsibility for military. It was of much political turmoil in the late Western Jin Dynasty. There is much mutual penetration between local military and administrative power, which led to the reemergence of a high degree of unity of the military and politics. In addition, it caused the extreme expansion of governor right, the multi-state governor and county governor. The change of military re- gion indicated the change of the functions and powers of the military itself. During the late Western Jin Dynas- ty, the general and provincial governor had powerful military, while the governor is in charge of provincial gov- ernor and had administrative power to a degree. The governor who had military power could choose people to be provincial governor, county officials and other administrative officials of the same level. The change of governor system had a profound influence on the military legal system of Eastern .lin and Southarn ~vna^ti~
Yuejiang Academic Journal
Provincial Governor
the minor officials who served in the Mansion of a ClanKing
soldiers of County
Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty