
简述疫苗安全性管理 被引量:5

A brief introduction to management of vaccine safety
摘要 疫苗接种是保护公众健康最有效的措施之一,疫苗可有效降低传染病的发病率和死亡率。与疫苗的有效性评估不同,疫苗的安全性不能直接测定,只能通过有限的疫苗不良事件的相关情况来推断。对疫苗安全性监测的科学理论,全球关注的个案研究,以及注册前有关疫苗的临床试验安全性的相关事宜进行了简介。 Vaccination is one of the most effective measures to protect puplic health, vaccines can effectively reduce morbidity and mortality for infectious diseases. It is different from a evaluation for vaccine effectiveness, vaccine safety can not be measured directly; it can only be deduced from the related vaccine adverse events. In this review, we will outline the scientific framework for monitoring vaccine safety and will highlight recent case studies of global interest. Issues related to pre-licensure study of vaccine safety in clinical trials will be described briefly.
出处 《微生物学免疫学进展》 2013年第5期69-74,共6页 Progress In Microbiology and Immunology
关键词 疫苗 安全性 不良事件 Vaccine Safety Adverse events
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