目的探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome,OSAHS)患者接受悬雍垂腭咽成形术(uvulopalatopharyngoplasty,UPPP)前后,发声时的共鸣特征变化。方法使用多通道语音分析系统测试36名男性OSAHS患者(OSAHS组)UPPP手术前后、36名正常男性(正常对照组)发/a:/音时头腔、口腔、喉腔、胸腔各共鸣腔的频谱特征,分别统计0~999Hz(FR1)、1 000~1 999Hz(FR2)、2 000~2 999Hz(FR3)、3 000~4 000Hz(FR4)频段的能量分布。结果 OSAHS组UPPP术后,头腔和口腔FR2能量值较术前提高(P<0.05),术后头、口及胸腔FR1能量值仍高于正常(P<0.05),头腔(FR2、FR3、FR4)、口腔(FR2、FR3)、胸腔(FR2)各频段能量值低于正常对照组(P<0.05)。术后喉腔FR1~FR4能量值与术前及对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 UPPP手术通过解除OSAHS患者上气道的阻塞和咽腔塑形,主要改变了其头腔和口腔的共鸣特征,使头腔和口腔的高频共振加强。
Objective To study the influence of UPPP on resonance characteristics of four resonance cavity in patients with OSAHS. Methods Using multi--channel voice analysis system to test the cavity resonance character- istics and energy distribution of 36 OSAHS patients (including pre-- and post--operative) and 36 normal males when they speak/a~/. The frequency spectrum was 4 000Hz(FR1 ,FR2, FR3 ,FR4 ). Results FRz energy values of the head cavity and mouth cavity of OSAHS patients heighten significantly after UPPP(P'~0.05) ~ FR1 energy val- ues of head,mouth and thoracic cavity were higher than that of in normal males" after UPPP(P^0.05). FR2, FR~, FR4 energy values of head cavity, FR2. FR3 energy values of mouth cavity,FR2 energy values of thoracic cavity were lower than those of in normal males" after UPPP(P〈0.05). Conclusion UPPP surgery removes the obstruction of the upper airway of OSAHS patients and changes the morphology of the pharynx, thas changes the resonance charac- teristics of the head cavity and oral.
Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology