
论台奥多·冯塔纳的中篇小说《施蒂娜》中“并非门当户对的联姻”主题 被引量:1

摘要 德国现实主义作家台奥多·冯塔纳的中篇小说《施蒂娜》是其长篇小说《混乱与迷惘》的姐妹卷,因为它们都以"并非门当户对的联姻"为主题。藉此作者揭露了19世纪人们恪守的社会门第观念所酿成的悲剧,批判了社会世俗对人性的压迫。《施蒂娜》描写了一位出身贵族的退役军官与一个处于社会底层的刺绣女工的爱情悲剧,男主人公最后的自杀提前展示了世纪末厌世疲惫的社会心态。 The novelette Stine and the novel Irrungen, Wirrungen of the German realistic novelist Thedor Fontane are named as sister works because of their identical leitmotiv Melliance. Fontane criticizes the concept of family status, which dominated the 19th century, because it caused tragedies and suppressed the normal human feelings. Stine describes the loving tragedy be- tween a retired officer from a noble family and an embroidering girl from the social bottom. The suicide of the male protagonist shows ahead of time the tired social mentality of misanthropists at the end of the century.
作者 赵蕾莲
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期75-77,82,共4页 Foreign Language Education
基金 国家社科基金项目"弗里德里希.荷尔德林和谐观研究"(项目编号:09BWW024)的阶段性成果
关键词 《施蒂娜》 诗意现实主义原则 并非门当户对的婚姻 社会批评 Stine the poetic realistic principle Melliance the society criticizing
  • 相关文献


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