
鲍士伟“现代图书馆理念”的时代意义——鲍士伟《美国公共图书馆》读后 被引量:2

Modern Meaning of “Modern Library” Proposed by Arthur E. Bostwick:A Review of The American Public Library
摘要 根据鲍士伟《美国公共图书馆》一书提出的"现代图书馆理念",结合中国实际进行探讨。从现代化的图书馆是社会化的图书馆、公共图书馆是公共教育系统的一部分、现代图书馆是社区中心、图书馆积极开展宣传活动四个方面进行新的阐释。 Taking into account of the development of China's librarianship, the author discusses the meaning of "modem library", an idea proposed by Arthur E. Bostwiek in the book The American Public Librapy, from the perspectives of modern library as a socialized library, public library as the most important part of public education system, modem library as a community center and modem library as one active center in publicity.
作者 谢欢
出处 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期16-19,共4页 Library Journal
关键词 现代图书馆理念 《美国公共图书馆》 鲍士伟 Modern library, The American Public I.,ibra~, Arthur E. Bostwick
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