

Analysis and design of the new digital algorithm in receiving with twin loops and dual channels
摘要 在把有方向性的双交叉环天线变为全向天线时,为了克服以往无法同时接收多个频率信号的问题,提出了一种水下导航中双环双通道接收甚低频信号的数字式新算法.即两个通道的数字信号不在射频级进行组合,而在正交同步检波之后进行组合,实现了信号幅度的全向接收;至于信号相位的全向接收可由信号较强的单路同步检波结果计算实现.分析和仿真结果表明:新算法设计合理有效,满足需求. While changing the across twin loop antennae being directional to an om- ni-direetional antenna, to overcome the problem of the existent methods with which multi-frequency signals can not be received at the same time, a new digital algo- rithm of receiving very low frequency (VLF) signals for navigation under water is introduced. That is, the dual-channel digital signals are not combined in the radio- frequency stage, and are combined after the orthogonal synchronization detection, and then the omni-directional receiving for the amplitude is achieved. As for the signal phase, it can be achieved from the synchronization detection result of one channel having stronger signal. The analysis and simulation results show that the design of the new algorithm is reasonable and effective, which fulfills the require- ments.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期962-967,共6页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.49070217)
关键词 甚低频 水下导航 双环双通道 测相 组合算法 VLF navigation under water twin loops and two channels phase measurement the combination algorithm
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