
倾斜各向异性地层随钻电磁波响应模拟 被引量:4

Numerical simulation of electromagnetic LWD tool response in dipping anisotropic formation
摘要 通过坐标变换的方法,基于柱坐标系时域有限差分(FDTD)模拟和分析了倾斜各向异性地层随钻电磁波响应.采用介电常数放大策略加快了程序对低频工作模式的模拟速度,通过与Hwa Ok Lee模拟结果对比,验证了算法的正确性.通过对不同条件下随钻电磁波响应模拟表明:当地层倾角小于30°时,随钻电磁波视电阻率主要反映地层水平电阻率;随地层倾角增大、发射频率提高,视电阻率受各向异性的影响增大,且相位电阻率比幅度电阻率更加敏感. Based on the method of coordinate transformation,the responses of elec- tromagnetic logging-while-drilling(LWD) tool in dipping anisotropic formations are simulated and analyzed using the finite difference time-domain(FDTD) scheme. The amplification strategy of dielectric constant is implemented to speed up the simulation in low frequency. The FDTD results are validated by comparing with the re- sults of the paper by Hwa Ok Lee. The simulated results of LWD responses under different conditions show that the apparent resistivity mainly reflect the horizontal resistivity when formation dipping angle is lower than 30°; with higher dipping an- gle and frequency, the apparent resistivity is more affected by formation anisotro- py;in addition, the phase-shift resistivity is more sensitive than the attenuation re sistivity.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期994-998,共5页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 国家自然基金资助项目(41174099) 中国石油天然气集团公司科学研究与技术开发项目(2011D_4101) 中石油国家重大专项(2011ZX05020-008)
关键词 时域有限差分 倾斜地层 各向异性 随钻电磁波 数值模拟 FDTD dipping formations anisotropy electromagnetic logging-while- drilling numerical simulation
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