
超声造影结合粗针活检诊断甲状腺结节的临床应用价值 被引量:3

Clinical value of combined contrast-enhanced ultrasonography with core-needle biopsy in diagnosis of thyroid nodules
摘要 目的探讨超声造影结合粗针活检诊断甲状腺结节的临床应用价值。方法回顾超声造影结合超声引导下粗针活检(core-needle biopsy,CNB)诊断甲状腺结节81例患者共89个结节的超声检查资料和粗针活检病理资料,最后与手术病理结果对照分析。结果超声造影诊断甲状腺良恶性结节的敏感性为86.7%、特异性为95.8%、准确性为91.0%。超声引导下粗针活检取材成功率100%,与手术病理结果符合率98.9%。结论超声造影技术诊断甲状腺结节具有较高的临床价值,结合应用超声引导下粗针穿刺活检可全面准确、安全、简便的诊断甲状腺疾病,值得在临床加以推广应用。 Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound combined with ultrasonography-guided core-needle biopsy (US-guided CNB) of thyroid nodules. Methods Contrast- enhanced ultrasound and US-guided CNB were performed in a total of 89 nodules from 81 patients. All ultrasound findings and pathological results of both needle biopsies and surgical specimens were reviewed. Results The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of contrast-enhanced ultrasound were 86.7% ,95.8% ,and 91.0% respectively in differentiation between benign and malignant thyroid nodules. US-guided CNB could get almost all the lesions. Nearly 98.9% of the pathological results of needle biopsies were in accordance with these of surgical specimens. Conclusion Contrast-enhanced ultrasound is effective in detecting malignant thyroid nodules. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound combined with US-guided CNB is an accurate, safe and simple diagnostic method for differentiating thyroid diseases, and which is worthy to recommend widely.
出处 《岭南现代临床外科》 2013年第5期424-426,共3页 Lingnan Modern Clinics in Surgery
关键词 超声造影 粗针穿刺活检 甲状腺结节 Contrast-enhanced ultrasound Core-needle biopsy Thyroid nodules
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