
手足口病患儿空腹血糖、心肌酶测定的临床意义 被引量:3

The clinical significance of fasting blood glucose and myocardial enzyme detection in hand-foot-mouth disease children
摘要 目的探讨手足口病患儿空腹血糖和心肌酶的变化及其在预测病情进展中的价值。方法观察2012年1月~2013年4月广州市增城市妇幼保健院120例患儿空腹血糖和心肌酶的变化,其中普通型手足口病60例,重型手足口病60例。结果(1)60例普通型手足口病患儿血糖均值为(5.24±1.34)mmol/L;60例重症手足口病患儿血糖均值为(6.80±2.21)mm0/L,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。(2)病情稳定的99例患儿血糖为(4.61±1.39)mmo/L,低于病情恶化的患儿血糖水平(6.91±2.64)mmo/L,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。(3)重症患儿心肌酶各指标均高于普通组。结论手足口病常伴有应激反应增高,空腹血糖增高是早期识别手足口病重的危险因素。需警惕重症手足口病患儿的心肌损伤。 Objective To discuss the value of the change and prediction of fasting blood glucose and myocardial en- zyme in hand-foot-mouth disease children. Methods The change of fasting blood glucose and myocardial enzyme were observed in 120 hand-foot-mouth disease children in Guangzhou Zengcheng MCH hospital from Jan. 2012 to Apr. 2013, including 60 common hand-foot-mouth disease children and 60 severe hand-foot-mouth disease children. Re- suits (1) The average fasting blood glucose of common hand-foot-mouth disease children was (5.24_+1.34) mmol/L, while the average fasting blood glucose of severe hand-foot-mouth disease children was (6.80_+2.21) mmol/L, the differences was statically significant (P 〈 0.05). (2) The 99 blood glucose of stable disease children was (4.61+1.39) mmo/L, the blood glucose of grew worth children was (6.91_+2.64) mmo/L, the differences was statically significant (P 〈 0.05). (3) Myocardial enzyme indexes of severe hand-foot-mouth disease children were higher than stable disease children. Conclusion Hand-foot-mouth disease is often sassociated with stress response increasing, fasting blood glucose can be a risk factors for hand-foot-mouth disease to early identification.It need vigilance for myocardial injury in severe hand-foot-mouth disease children.
作者 卢国辉
出处 《中国现代医生》 2013年第31期155-156,共2页 China Modern Doctor
关键词 手足口病 空腹血糖 心肌酶 Hand-foot-mouth disease Fasting blood glucose Mycocardial enzyme
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