

A Tentative Study on the Cultural Differences among the Anhui, Shanxi and Shaanxi Merchants
摘要 在明清中国商界,徽、晋、陕三帮分别以“徽骆驼”、“晋算盘”、“陕棒槌”的形象而成为商界三大劲旅,他们在各自的经营中形成自己的特色,这可以从当时流传的三首不同的商谣里得到充分展现。分析这些商谣所蕴含的不同商业文化元素,对于我们了解徽、晋、陕三大商帮的区别,颇有裨益。 In China' s business world of the Ming and Qing dynasty, Anhui, Shanxi Shaanxi merchants, who were the three big merchants, were earliest and most representative Chinese traditional merchants. Different from the marine merchants, they were the inland merchants with the back towards oceans, therefore inherit the purest Chinese main stream commercial culture and reject to turn to ocean culture doggedly. They are the living fossil of ancient and modern Chinese mainstream commercial culture, possess all elects of Chinese mainstream commercial culture. However, the differences of the local culture and degree of economic development of their cradle make the three big merchants have the primary colors of the local parent cultures respectively, and form the self unique culture in their own operation. One of the chief signs is that they were respectively famous in China business world for the images of Hui camel, Jin abacus, Shaan wooden club. All of these reflect the vast- ness of the Chinese traditional commercial culture. For the differences among three big merchants culture, a primary research has been conducted by academia. This paper starts with the Cultural Phenomenon reflected by ballads and commercial rules and then analyses these differences.
作者 李刚 广红娟
出处 《西安翻译学院学报》 2010年第3期23-26,共4页 JOURNAL OF XIAN FANYI UNIVERSITY
关键词 商帮 文化差异 Anhui Shanxi Shaanxi Merchants Cultural Differences
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