

On the Training of Essential Psychological Quality of Tennis Referees
摘要 本研究从网球裁判员所需具备的意志品质、注意品质及思维反应能力等基本心理素质出发,结合多年来在国内、同外比赛中的临场经验,分析并探讨了培养网球裁判员良好心理素质的主要途径。 This paper analyzes the psychological quality of tennis referee in light of the sport experience in domestic and foreign competition. The author explores the pschological quality which a tennis referee must have in the course of competition and puts forward some suggestions for improvement.
作者 李杰
出处 《西安翻译学院学报》 2012年第4期60-62,共3页 JOURNAL OF XIAN FANYI UNIVERSITY
关键词 网球裁判员 心理素质 培养 tennis, tennis referee, psychological quality
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