目的 分析2012年中国内地第二类疫苗接种情况.方法 从中国免疫规划监测信息管理系统中提取2012年1-12月中国内地31个省(市、自治区)及新疆生产建设兵团的各乡级单位(镇、街道、社区、团)每月报告的第二类疫苗接种情况报表资料,覆盖人口134 736万名.分别计算县级(县、县级市、区、旗、师)和乡级(乡、镇、街道、社区、团)单位报表上报的完整率;不同种类疫苗的接种量,在不同地区的覆盖情况;疫苗的接种量、种类数,平均每县种类数.结果 2012年1-12月中国内地(陕西省、西藏自治区除外)报告接种第二类疫苗共29种,90 843 530剂次,平均接种量为674.2剂次/万,县和乡级单位报告完整率分别为83.32% (29557/35472)和80.01% (396 652/495 756).不同种疫苗接种情况为:人用狂犬病、b型流感嗜血杆菌多糖结合、流行性感冒疫苗的接种量排在前3位,分别为17 027 259、13 996 206、11 324 518剂次,平均接种量分别为126.4、103.9、84.1剂次/万;不同地区疫苗接种情况为:2773个县级单位中,水痘减毒活、流行性感冒、人用狂犬病疫苗所覆盖县级单位个数排在前3位,分别为2442、2415、2366个,覆盖率分别为88.06%(2442/2773),87.09%(2415/2773)、85.32%(2366/2773).广东省报告第二类疫苗接种总量最多,为12 266 531剂次,青海省最少,为57 767剂次.全国平均接种量上海市最多,为2425.0剂次/万,青海省最少,为101.7剂次/万.结论 中国使用的第二类疫苗种类多、数量大、地区差别明显,需要进一步完善第二类疫苗监测与管理.
Objective To analyze the immunization status of category Ⅱ vaccine in Chinese Mainland in 2012.Methods The completeness of report unit by township and county,including 31provinces(cities,municipalities)and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,the number of doses and the number of counties covered for category Ⅱ vaccine at different areas,average types of category Ⅱvaccine by county were analyzed by descriptive epidemiological methods,according to monthly report of vaccination data for category Ⅱ vaccines by township in 2012 which all of provinces and population were almost covered,through the National Immunization Program(NIP) monitoring information system of China.Results A total of 29 kinds of category Ⅱ vaccine with 90 843 530 doses were reported in 2012,and the total average dose was 674.2 per 10 000 people.The report completeness by county and township were 83.32% (29 557/35 472) and 80.01% (396 652/495 756) respectively.The reported doses of rabies vaccine for human use,Haemophilus influenza type b vaccine and influenza vaccine was the top third vaccine,among those for all kinds of category Ⅱ vaccine,which were 17 027 259,13 996 206,11 324 518respectively,and 126.4,103.9,84.1 doses per 10 000 people.In 2773 county units,varicella attenuated live vaccine,influenza vaccine,rabies vaccine for human use were the top three kinds of category Ⅱ vaccine in terms of the number of county where vaccines have been used in 2012,which were 2442 (88.06%),2415 (87.09%),2366 (85.32%) respectively.Guangdong province with 12 266 531 doses was the highest report doses for category Ⅱ vaccine whereas Qinghai province with 57 767 doses was the lowest number in 2012.Regarding to the average report doses by province,the highest or lowest number was 2425.0 doses per 10 000 people in Shanghai province,and 101.7 doses per 10 000 people in Qinghai province separately.Conclusion Many kinds of category Ⅱ vaccine with a large amount have been used in China,and there are significant different among areas.Surveillance and management for category Ⅱ vaccines should be future improved.
Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
Population surveillance