

Visual Language: Art of Cross-Media Narrative in William Blake's Poetry
摘要 布莱克《天真与经验之歌》与《天堂与地狱的婚礼》这两部诗歌的跨媒介叙事主要以文字与图像作为其想象力的载体,反映了人的心理与图像意识,而他诗人/画家的双重身份对读者/观者的艺术欣赏产生不可忽视的影响;他的图画式重复原则通过"感官字母"与"斜体书法"等手法对诗歌进行视觉空间化处理,揭示了这两部诗歌中文字与图像所叙述的内部对立与融合等艺术内涵。 The pioneering English romantic poet and painter William Blake calls his combination of poetry and painting "illuminated" printing. The scholarships of his work have been separately focused on his poetry and painting, but his composite art which breaks through the boundary between word and image has been rarely studied. Both forms of art become the artist's media of expressing his thought and pursuit of art. From the perspective of visual language, a comprehensive study of both his poetry and painting can be fruitful contribution to understanding Blake's artistic principles. Blake uses word and image in his Songs of Innocence and Experience and Marriage of Heaven and Hell to construct the cross-media narrative, reflecting human psychology and imagery consciousness, as well as the influence to both reader and viewer from his double identity of both poet and painter. His sensual letters and italic writing visualize the picturesque principles and indicate the combination of the two forms of art.
作者 于芳 于娟
出处 《济宁学院学报》 2013年第5期22-26,共5页 Journal of Jining University
基金 重庆文理学院校级项目(Y2011ms36)
关键词 威廉·布莱克 合成艺术 跨媒介叙事 视觉空间书写 William Blake composite art cross-media narrative visual space narrative
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