

The Bloody Chamber in the Interpretation of Gothic Feminism
摘要 在《染血之室》这篇对蓝胡子故事戏仿与颠覆的小说中,安吉拉·卡特对其进行了女性哥特主义改写,表现出对父权制的嘲讽与反叛,但同时流露出对父权制反抗的保守性,形成反抗与依赖的矛盾共同体。父爱缺失使女主角产生恋父情结,深深影响到她的生活和婚恋,而其对自身性别身份的焦虑是恐惧产生的根源所在,隐秘消解男性权威使身份危机得以解除。哥特小说中的美学内涵丰富多样,但与之最为紧密的美学范畴却是崇高。在西方众多的崇高理论中,伯克的崇高理论与哥特风格紧密相连,为本小说的黑暗美提供了有力的理论支撑。 In the novel of The Bloody Chamber which parody and subvert the bluebeard, Angela Carter rewritten it in the view of gothic feminism and showed the irony and rebellion of patriarchy, but revealed the conservatism of the resistance to patriarchy at the same time, formed the community of the contradiction with resistance and reliance. Father absence make the heroine produce Electra Complex, affect her life and marriage deeply, and her own gender identity anxiety is the root cause of real terminate the male authority in secret to remove identity crisis. Gothic novel aesthetic connotation is rich and varied, but most closely with the aesthetic category is sublime. In many sublime theories of western, Burke's theory is closely linked with Gothic style, providing strong theoretical support for the dark beauty in this novel.
作者 孔聪
出处 《济宁学院学报》 2013年第5期31-38,共8页 Journal of Jining University
关键词 染血之室 女性哥特 反抗与保守 身份危机 崇高理论 The Bloody Chamber female gothic resist and conservative identity crisis sublimetheory
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