
从国内外比较研究看我国器官捐献存在的问题与对策探析 被引量:4

The Existing Problems and Countermeasure Analysis on Organ Donation in China Based on the Domestic and International Comparative Study
摘要 通过总结分析国内外器官捐献移植过程中的先进经验和不足之处,并提出健全法规条例,理顺捐献流程;加快脑死亡立法,保证器官质量;坚持三公三合原则,增强系统透明度;建立激励机制,激发捐献热情;确立道德原则,提升伦理地位等五项改进措施,为进一步系统研究我国器官捐献移植体系建设提供理论参考。 In this paper, the authors analyzed and summed up domestic and foreign advanced experience in the process of organ donation and transplantation and the existing problems. In order to solve the current problems we also proposed the following countermeasures, including: improving the regulation and rationalize the donation process ; speeding up the brain death legislation, ensuring the quality of organs ; three triad distribution, enhancing the system transparency; establishing incentive mechanism, arousing the enthusiasm for donation; establishing the moral principles, improving ethical status, etc, aiming to provide a theoretical reference for the further study of the system.
出处 《中国医学伦理学》 2013年第5期556-558,共3页 Chinese Medical Ethics
基金 广东省科技计划重点项目"公民心死亡器官捐献移植体系建设及关键技术研究" 项目编号2012A030400023
关键词 器官捐献 器官捐献现状 脑死亡 对策探析 Organ Donation Current Situation of Organ Donation Brain Death Countermeasures Analysis
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