利用广电的接入网络与中国移动通信公司合作,采用EPON+EoC模式,使用HomePlug AV7400系列EoC产品,实现有线数字电视双向网络的建设,开展广播电视双向高清互动点播与双向宽带数据业务,彻底解决早期使用BPL EoC产品所造成的带宽瓶颈等问题。
Cooperate with China Mobile Communications Corporation in field of radio and television networks , adopt the EPON+EoC mode , use Home Plug AV INT7400 chipset EoC ,to construct two-way digital cable tel-evision network , and to carry out two-way high-definition broadcast television on demand and two-way interac-tive broadband data services , to permanently solve the bandwidth bottlenecks and other issues caused by BPL EoC .
China Digital Cable TV