
国际资源贸易理论与政策的研究述评 被引量:5

A Literature Review of Theory and Policy of International Trade in Resources
摘要 近年来,国际资源贸易发展迅猛,其重要性日益凸显。国际贸易学者从理论与政策两方面对国际资源贸易进行了研究。理论研究涵盖H-O模型对国际资源贸易的解释力、不完全竞争市场下国际资源贸易的分析框架、国际资源贸易产品价格波动的原因与价格弹性估计、国际资源贸易与"资源诅咒"的关系等问题。政策研究主要包括对国际资源贸易实施的出口税、出口配额以及进口关税的经济效应分析等。目前,学术界还没有形成统一的国际资源贸易分析框架,WTO需要把国际资源贸易置于多边贸易体制的规制之下。 In recent years, the rapid development of international trade in resources has become increasingly prominent. Scholars of international trade study it from the aspects of theory and policy. Theoretical studies cover topics such as the explanatory power of HO model when used in international trade in resources, analytical framework of international trade in resources under imperfect competition market, key factors underlying price fluctuations of international resources and the estimation of price elasticity, as well as relations between resource trade and the "curse" of resources. Policy researches include the economic effect of export ta- xes, export quotas and import tariffs implemented in international trade in resources. At present, the academic community has not yet formed a unified analytical framework for international trade in resources, and the WTO is suggested to place it under the regu- lation of multilateral trading system.
出处 《山东科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期69-76,共8页 Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 山东省软科学研究计划项目"山东省对外贸易结构调整和优化路径研究"(2012RKB01462) 青岛市社科规划项目"新型国际分工视域下青岛市对外贸易结构升级问题研究"(QDSKL130425)
关键词 国际资源贸易 资源贸易理论 资源贸易政策 trade in natural resources theory of trade in resources policy of trade in resources
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