
非语言交际中的身心距离探析 被引量:2

A Study of “Immediacy” in Nonverbal Communication
摘要 在介绍非语言交际中的心理/身体距离(Immediacy)内涵及高低接触文化的基础上,剖析了身心距离对跨文化交际的影响,探讨了影响心理距离的诸因素(如文化因素、个性因素、彼此熟悉程度、彼此相似性以及经验与经历),提出了调整心理距离的方法(如内化所学知识、树宏愿/开阔视野/增强实践能力、建立平等观以及容忍与尊重文化差异等)并就如何运用身心距离的变化以增加跨文化交际的顺畅性提出了自己的见解。 With a brief introduction of the relevant research on "immediacy", one of the six intercultural dimensions, in addition to the illustration of the conception of "immediacy", the significance of "immediacy" in intercultural communication was revealed. The paper analyzed some factors (i.e. cultural factors, individual factors, the extent to know each other, similar to each other and experiences and experience etc.)shaping "immediacy", proposed some approaches (i.e. internalizing what one learned, having great vision, broadening one's horizon, strengthening one's practical abilities, setting up equality and tolerating and respecting cuhural differences) to adjust the immediacy in intercultural communication, and explored how to apply "immediacy" to enhance the smoothness of intercuhural communication.
作者 胡超
出处 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2013年第6期123-128,共6页 Journal of Ningbo University:Liberal Arts Edition
关键词 心理 身体距离 非语言交际 高接触文化 低接触文化 Immediacy nonverbal communication high-contact culture low-contact culture
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