
基于岗位的物联网应用技术专业人才培养与专业建设研究 被引量:9

A Study on Training Professionals in Applied Technology of Internet of Things and the Specialty Construction Based on the Post
摘要 物联网是我国战略性新兴产业,其技术涉及计算机控制、无线通信、光通信、电子、网络、软件、信息安全等多个领域.它将掀起世界信息产业的第三次浪潮.高职院校开设物联网应用技术专业,目的是培养高技能、高素质的物联网产业应用型人才,它是涵盖信息感知、传输、处理等关键技术的跨学科、综合性的新型专业.分析了物联网产业发展的现状与人才需求,以滁州职业技术学院为例,探讨了人才培养方案,阐述了物联网应用技术专业关键技术和核心课程,对专业建设进行了合理规划等. Internet of Things fields, such as computer control, is the strategic emerging industry in our country whose technology involves many wireless communication, optical communication, electron, network, software and information security etc. And it will surge the third waves of global information industry. The purpose of setting up the major in applied technology of Internet of Things applied professionals of Internet of Things jors involving in key technology, such as in higher vocational colleges is to train high skilled and quality , which covers the cross- disciplinary and comprehensive emerging ma- information perception, transmission and processing. The article analyzes the current situation of the development of Internet of Things and the demand of talented persons, and then explores the program of training talented persons through taking Chuzhou Vocational and Technical College for example and finally reasonably maps out specialty construction on the basis of expounding the key technology and curricula of ap- plied technology of Internet of Things.
作者 刘青
出处 《菏泽学院学报》 2013年第5期86-91,共6页 Journal of Heze University
基金 安徽省职成教学会项目(BCB12059) 滁州职业技术学院重点科研项目(YJZ-2013-06) 安徽高校省级自然科学研究项目(KJ2012Z299)
关键词 物联网 应用技术 人才培养 专业建设 课程体系 Internet of Things application of technology talents training professional construction curricu-lum system
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